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Testing/test ngtest EMI1 RC3
Documentation errors: [#2303]
- Referenced man entry doesn't exist: "No entry for arc.conf in section 5 of the manual"
-O, -resources
stands in the place of-O, -configuration
- "print this help" stay in the man page which is not THAT help that is referenced
Other errors:
- When option parsing fails "Invalid options given to arctest" will be printed while executing ngtest (not arctest).
Binary usage
Using ngtest [options]: Passed
Using arccli test [options]: Failed
Output was: "arccli: command not found" [#2303]
Command: ngtest -E
and ngtest -certificate
Expected output:
Certificate information: Certificate: ${absolute path to certificate} Subject name: ${Full DN of certificate separated by slashes} Valid until: ${Expired or end of validiry as datetime}Thu Oct 20 15:37:46 2011 Proxy: ${absolute path to proxy} Proxy-subject: ${Full DN of proxy separated by slashes} Valid for: ${Expired or length of validity as time} Certificate issuer: ${DN of my certificate's issuer CA} CA-certificates installed: ${list of DN of installed CA certificates in multiple lines}
Experienced output:
Certificate information: Certificate: /home/martoni/.globus/usercert.pem Subject name: /C=HU/O=NIIF CA/OU=GRID/OU=NIIF/CN=Ivan Marton Valid until: Thu Oct 20 15:37:46 2011 Proxy: /tmp/x509up_u500 Proxy-subject: /C=HU/O=NIIF CA/OU=GRID/OU=NIIF/CN=Ivan Marton/CN=1659472956 Valid for: Expired Certificate issuer: /C=HU/O=NIIF/OU=Certificate Authorities/CN=NIIF Root CA CA-certificates installed: /C=HU/O=NIIF/OU=Certificate Authorities/CN=NIIF Root CA /C=IT/O=INFN/CN=INFN CA /C=HU/O=NIIF/OU=Certificate Authorities/CN=NIIF Root CA /C=SK/O=SlovakGrid/CN=SlovakGrid CA /C=IT/O=INFN/CN=INFN CA /C=SK/O=SlovakGrid/CN=SlovakGrid CA
- when certificate, key and proxy are on default locations: Passed
Cosmetic mistake: The list of CA certificates shouldn't be redundant. Now every lines are duplicated. [#2305]
testjob/specify cluster
Command: ngtest -J jobid -c
and ngtest -job jobid -cluster
Expected output:
Submitting test-job ${Test job id}: ${Jobdescription belongs to Test job} Client middleware: ${client specific information} Job submitted with jobid: ${ID of submitted job} Cluster:; middleware: ${server specific information}
Experienced output:
if 1<=jobid<=3
Submitting test-job 2: &("executable" = "/bin/echo" )("arguments" = "hello, grid" )("jobname" = "ARC testjob 2" )("stdout" = "stdout" )("cputime" = "5" ) Client middleware: nordugrid-arc-1.0.0b2, globus-unknown Job submitted with jobid: gsi Cluster:; middleware: nordugrid-arc-, globus-unknown
Illegal testjob-id given
- when jobid = -1: Passed
- when jobid = 0: Failed Output was: "Invalid options given to arctest" [#2306]
- when jobid = 1: Passed
- when jobid = 2: Passed
- when jobid = 3: Passed
- when jobid = 4: Passed
resources/specify GIIS
Command: ngtest -R -g
ngtest -resources -giisurl ldap://,o=grid
Expected output:
Resource authorizations: Certificate-subjectname: ${Full DN of certificate separated by slashes} Retrieving information... You are authorized at the following clusters: ${List of DN of authorized clusters or None} You are authorized at the following storage-elements: ${List of DN of authorized storage elements or None}
Experienced output:
Resource authorizations: Certificate-subjectname: /C=HU/O=NIIF CA/OU=GRID/OU=NIIF/CN=Ivan Marton Retrieving information... You are authorized at the following clusters: You are authorized at the following storage-elements: None
Result: Passed
Command: ngtest -O
and ngtest -configuration
Expected output:
Configuration: ARC_LOCATION: ${location of ARC installation} GLOBUS_LOCATION: ${location of globus installation} Top-level GIIS's used: ${list of URL of used GIISs in multiple lines} User certificate: ${Full DN of certificate separated by slashes} Valid until: ${Expired or end of validiry as datetime}Thu Oct 20 15:37:46 2011 Proxy: ${Full DN of proxy separated by slashes} Valid for: ${Expired or length of validity as time}
Experienced output:
Configuration: ARC_LOCATION: /usr GLOBUS_LOCATION: /usr Top-level GIIS's used: ldap:// ldap:// ldap:// ldap:// User certificate: /C=HU/O=NIIF CA/OU=GRID/OU=NIIF/CN=Ivan Marton Valid until: 2011-10-20 15:37:46 Proxy: /C=HU/O=NIIF CA/OU=GRID/OU=NIIF/CN=Ivan Marton/CN=1544706721 Valid for: 10 hours, 51 minutes, 17 seconds
Result: Passed
- Globus location can be reset by GLOBUS_LOCATION environment variable
- List of GIISes can be set trough
with values of giis keys in [client] section
vo-membership information
Command: ngtest -V
and ngtest -vo
Expected output:
Experienced output:
ngtest: version 1.0.0b2
Result: Failed [#2307]
version information
Command: ngtest -v
and ngtest -version
Expected output:
ngtest: version ${client version}
Experienced output:
ngtest: version 1.0.0b2
Result: Passed
help and usage information
Command: ngtest -h
and ngtest -help
Expected output:
${help message and usage information}
Experienced output:
The expected, that is too long to be pasted here!
Result: Passed
anonymous and gsi-gssapi bind for MDS queries
ngtest -x
andngtest -anonymous
ngtest -X
andngtest -gsi
Result: Problems [#2308]
- anonymous bind cannot be tested alone since this is the default (meaningless option)
- if both of these options are present (that are mutually exclusives) there are no error messages but the last one will be effective
debug level
Command: ngtest -J 2 -c -d debuglevel
and ngtest -J 2 -c -debug debuglevel
Expected output:
${Job submission related messages or error messages on different verbosity level.}
Experienced output:
The expected, that is too long to be pasted here!
Result: [#2309]
- when debuglevel = -4: Failed The output is reticent output of the command not an expection "out of range" type error message
- when debuglevel = -3: Passed
- when debuglevel = -2: Passed
- when debuglevel = -1: Passed
- when debuglevel = 0: Passed
- when debuglevel = 1: Passed
- when debuglevel = 2: Passed
- when debuglevel = 3: Passed
- when debuglevel = 4: Failed The output is verbose output of the command not an expection "out of range" type error message
- when debuglevel = f: Failed The output is: "Can not convert string to int: f" should be more helpful
Command: ngtest -job 2 -c -t time and
ngtest -job 2 -c -timeout time
Expected output:
${timeout message during the job submission}
Experienced output:
Job submission failed due to: The specified cluster ( did not return any information.
- when 0 < time < necessary for job submission: Passed
- when time > necessary for job submission: Passed
- when -t time = -1: Failed it drops a Segmentation fault [#2310]
- when time = -10, -1.0, f: Passed
Command: ngtest -job 2 -c -dumpxrsl
Expected output:
Submitting test-job ${test job id}
${test job description}
Client middleware: nordugrid-arc-1.0.0b2, globus-unknown
${modified job description to send to the cluster}
Experienced output:
Submitting test-job 2:
&("executable" = "/bin/echo" )("arguments" = "hello, grid" )("jobname" = "ARC testjob 2" )("stdout" = "stdout" )("cputime" = "5" )
Client middleware: nordugrid-arc-1.0.0b2, globus-unknown
&("cputime" = "300" )("outputfiles" = ("stdout" "" ) )("clientsoftware" = "nordugrid-arc-1.0.0b2" )("hostname" = "" )("clientxrsl" = "&(""executable"" = ""/bin/echo"" )(""arguments"" = ""hello, grid"" )(""jobname"" = ""ARC testjob 2"" )(""stdout"" = ""stdout"" )(""cputime"" = ""5"" )" )("savestate" = "yes" )("action" = "request" )("queue" = "gridlong" )("stdout" = "stdout" )("jobname" = "ARC testjob 2" )("arguments" = "hello, grid" )("executable" = "/bin/echo" )
Result: Passed
Functional mistake: If cluster is not provided then GIIS will be unnecessarily queried because there won't be any real submission. [#2311]
Command: ngtest -job 2 -c -dumpxrsl -dryrun
Expected output:
Submitting test-job ${test job id}
${test job description}
Client middleware: nordugrid-arc-1.0.0b2, globus-unknown
${modified job description to send to the cluster containing the formerly missing ("dryrun" = "yes" ) attribute}
Experienced output:
Submitting test-job 2:
&("executable" = "/bin/echo" )("arguments" = "hello, grid" )("jobname" = "ARC testjob 2" )("stdout" = "stdout" )("cputime" = "5" )
Client middleware: nordugrid-arc-1.0.0b2, globus-unknown
&("cputime" = "300" )("outputfiles" = ("stdout" "" ) )("clientsoftware" = "nordugrid-arc-1.0.0b2" )("hostname" = "" )("clientxrsl" = "&(""executable"" = ""/bin/echo"" )(""arguments"" = ""hello, grid"" )(""jobname"" = ""ARC testjob 2"" )(""stdout"" = ""stdout"" )(""cputime"" = ""5"" )" )("savestate" = "yes" )("action" = "request" )("queue" = "gridlong" )("stdout" = "stdout" )("jobname" = "ARC testjob 2" )("arguments" = "hello, grid" )("executable" = "/bin/echo" )
[martoni@sl5-test1 tmp]$ ngtest -job 2 -c -dumpxrsl -dryrun
Submitting test-job 2:
&("executable" = "/bin/echo" )("arguments" = "hello, grid" )("jobname" = "ARC testjob 2" )("stdout" = "stdout" )("cputime" = "5" )
Client middleware: nordugrid-arc-1.0.0b2, globus-unknown
&("cputime" = "300" )("dryrun" = "yes" )("outputfiles" = ("stdout" "" ) )("clientsoftware" = "nordugrid-arc-1.0.0b2" )("hostname" = "" )("clientxrsl" = "&(""executable"" = ""/bin/echo"" )(""arguments"" = ""hello, grid"" )(""jobname"" = ""ARC testjob 2"" )(""stdout"" = ""stdout"" )(""cputime"" = ""5"" )" )("savestate" = "yes" )("action" = "request" )("queue" = "gridlong" )("stdout" = "stdout" )("jobname" = "ARC testjob 2" )("arguments" = "hello, grid" )("executable" = "/bin/echo" )
Result: Passed
GIIS list from file
Command: ngtest -giislist giis.list -J 2
and ngtest -G giis.list -J 2
(Where giis.list contains only one line: ldap://,o=grid and some empty lines.)
Expected output:
Submitting test-job ${test job id}
${test job description}
Job submitted with jobid: ${job id}
Cluster: ${cluster from the specified giis}; middleware: ${server side parameters}
Experienced output:
Submitting test-job 2:
&("executable" = "/bin/echo" )("arguments" = "hello, grid" )("jobname" = "ARC testjob 2" )("stdout" = "stdout" )("cputime" = "5" )
Client middleware: nordugrid-arc-1.0.0b2, globus-unknown
Job submitted with jobid: gsi
Cluster:; middleware: nordugrid-arc-, globus-unknown
Result: Passed
Functional mistake: It provides wrong information when using with option -configuration together. [#2312]
Cluster list from file
Command: ngtest -G giis.list -clustlist -cluster.list -J 2
and ngtest -G giis.list -clustlist cluster.list -J 2
(Where giis.list contains only one line: ldap://,o=grid and some empty lines and cluster.list contains only the name of
- Select (one of) the cluster(s) specified in the file: Passed
- Exclude (all of) the cluster(s) specified in the file: Passed
Using custom joblist file
Command: ngtest -job 2 -c -o filename
and ngtest -job 2 -c -joblist filename
Expected output: The expected output is the same as in case of job
submission but with creation of a file specified in filename and
with the new job id as the only content.
Result: Passed
Command: ngtest -runtime time -c -J 1 -dumpxrsl
and ngtest -r time -c -J 1 -dumpxrsl
- When using other test job than 1 has no influence: Passed
- Added to the proper attributes when submitting first test job:
- (""CPUTime"" = ""13"" ) and ("arguments" = "11" ) when time=10: Passed
- Rejecting values where time <=0:
- (""CPUTime"" = ""4294967289"" ) and (""arguments"" = ""4294967287"" ) when time=-10: Failed [#2313]