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Testing/ARC-InfoSys emi1 rc0
Component Description
brief description of what is being tested, version, modules, components
Code analysis
Very preliminary results of SLOC count entire ARC code can be found here:
Later the results will be split between components.
Unit tests
Preliminary results of unit test code coverage for entire ARC code can be found here:
Later the results will be split between components.
Regression tests
initially the verification of resolved bugs
Deployment tests
clean installation
There are issues with installing ARC from the RC0 repository. The executive summary is: Packages based on the lcg-dm-common sources needs fixing or we will have the same problem for RC1.
ETICS respects EMI packaging policy which is to follow among others the EPEL packaging policy. That policy states that AutoReqProv by default MUST be on. Packages SHOULD not use it since the defaults are fine. The source package:
produces the binary packages:
lcgdm-devel-1.8.0-1sec.sl5.x86_64.rpm lcgdm-libs-1.8.0-1sec.sl5.x86_64.rpm
which explicitly have AutoReqProv turned off. Therefore ARC and dependent packages which are packaged correctly will not work. This includes:
nordugrid-arc-compat-1.0.0-0.b1.el5.src.rpm nordugrid-arc-1.0.0-0.b1.el5.src.rpm semsgplugins-1.0.0-1.src.rpm
The packages that apparently have the autoreqprov on and use direct package dependencies and thus will work are:
lcg-dm-common-1.8.0-1sec.sl5.src.rpm DPM-mysql-1.8.0-1sec.sl5.src.rpm DPM-oracle-1.8.0-1sec.sl5.src.rpm LFC-mysql-1.8.0-1sec.sl5.src.rpm LFC-oracle-1.8.0-1sec.sl5.src.rpm
These packages are broken according to EMI policies. Known violations are:
No sonames in libraries Using static libraries Turning off autoreqprov <not reported in Savannah> Same sources in several src.rpms <not reported in Savannah>
The combination of the first 3 issues break ARC and one other package. Note that direct dependencies are allowed and needed when the AutoReqProv can not find dependencies/provides. Packages with plugins are an example.
The ARC packages in RC0 would work if the lcg-dm-common was fixed according to the above. However, since ARC was built against a broken lcg-dm-common there are some erroneous dependencies on which require a rebuild of ARC to get fixed.
So the bottom line is that there are no known packaging bugs in the ARC packages and that they would work (in principle) without recompilation.
One can still test the ARC packages from RC0 but this requires installing RPMs with broken dependencies.
upgrade installation
Functionality tests
Test A
Test B
Test C
Performance tests
e.g. measurement of the response time
Scalability tests
Load and stress tests
Standard compliance/conformance tests
can be a reference to a functionality test
Inter-component tests
clearly identify the third-party components involved in the test