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Coordination effort for each RC will be performed at the links shown in the Testing page.

Test report

To be attached here.

EMI Component Description and Version

ARC-CE components are responsible for accepting requests containing a description of generic computational jobs and executing them in the underlying computing resource.

Code analysis

  • Tester: Marek
  • due: for every RC
  • Sloccount:
  • CCCC metrics:

Later the results will be split between components.

Unit tests

  • Tester: Anders
  • due: for every RC

Link to Results of unit test code coverage for entire ARC code

The text description of results will come later.

Later the results will be split between components.

Deployment tests

CE-D1: clean installation

  • Tester: Marek
  • due: for every RC

CE-D2: upgrade installation

  • Tester: Marek
  • due postponed

System Tests

Regression tests

  • Tester: Marek
  • due: for every tester

See Savannah task for RfCs

Functionality tests

CE-F1: job management with invalid input (WS interface)

For all functions/operations of the ARC-CE interface check the invalid input. Invalid output should throw an exception as documented in XXX?

CE-F2: job management with invalid credentials

For all functions/operations of the ARC-CE interface check the invalid, non-authorized credentials. Use ordinary and VOMS proxies. Invalid/non-authorized credentials should throw security related exceptions and return reasonable error messages. Both pre-WS and WS interface.

CE-F3: simple job execution

Test the job submission for simple job. Test/use all supported (on the server side) job description languages. production interface.

CE-F4: data stage-in job

Test the job submission for simple job with input files being staged-in by both the client and the CE itself. Test cache functionality.

  • submission of job uploading one file
  • submission of job uploading many files
  • submission of job staging in one file from gsiftp SE
  • submission of job staging in many files from gsiftp SE
  • submission of job staging in one file from http SE
  • submission of job staging in many files from http SE
  • submission of job staging in one file from ftp SE
  • submission of job staging in many files from ftp SE
  • submission of job staging in one file from srm SE
  • submission of job staging in many files from srm SE
  • submission of job staging in one file from lfc SE
  • submission of job staging in many files from lfc SE

cache functionality

  • caching of staged in/uploaded files
    • caching of staged in file from Unixacl

CE-F5: data stage-out job

Test the job submission for simple job with output files being staged-out both the client (download) and the CE itself (server uploads to SE). Test all kind of protocols and index service registrations.

  • job results retrieval (retrieve of job with one output file)
  • job results retrieval (retrieve of job with many output files)
  • submission of job staging out one file to gsiftp SE
  • submission of job staging out many files to gsiftp SE
  • submission of job staging out one file to http SE
  • submission of job staging out many files to http SE
  • submission of job staging out one file to ftp SE
  • submission of job staging out many files to ftp SE
  • submission of job staging out one file to srm SE
  • submission of job staging out many files to srm SE
  • submission of job staging out one file to lfc SE
  • submission of job staging out many files to lfc SE

CE-F6: job management via pre-WS

Check the main operations of the ARC-CE production interface: cancel, kill, so on... Use ordinary and VOMS proxies.

  • simple job submission
  • simple job migration
  • migration of job with input files
  • job status retrieval
  • job catenate retrieval
  • killing job
  • job cleaning
  • job results retrieval (retrieve of job with one output file)

CE-F7: parallel job support

Check that more than one slots are request-able and allocated to a job when the corresponding job description element is used.

CE-F9: job management through WS-interface

  • simple job submission
    • Submission of simple job described in JDL
arcsub -c ARC1: jdl_hostname.jdl

Executable = "/bin/hostname";
StdOutput = "std.out";
StdError = "std.err";
OutputSandbox = {"std.out","std.err"};
OutputSandboxDestURI = { "gsiftp://localhost/std.out", "gsiftp://localhost/std.err" };
    • Submission of simple job described in XRSL
arcsub -c ARC1: xrsl_hostname.xrsl
&(executable = "/bin/hostname")
(stdout = "stdout.txt")
(jobName= "hostname-test")
    • Submission of simple job described in JSDL
arcsub -c ARC1: jsdl_hostname.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  • submission of job uploading one file
    • Submission of simple job described in XRSL
arcsub -c ARC1: xrsl_shell.xrsl
&(executable = "")
(inputFiles = ("" ""))
(outputFiles =
("stdout.txt" "")
("stderr.txt" "")
(stdout = "stdout.txt")
(stderr = "stderr.txt")
(jobName= "shell-test")

  • submission of job uploading many files
  • simple job migration
  • migration of job with input files
  • job status retrieval
  • job catenate retrieval
  • killing job
  • job cleaning
  • job results retrieval (retrieve of job with one output file)
  • job results retrieval (retrieve of job with many output files)

CE-F10: LRMS support

Test pbs/maui, SGE, Condor, SLURM, fork, .....

  • correct job status identification
  • correct identification of running/pending/queueing jobs
  • correct CE information propagation (part of Glue2 tests)

CE-F11: Janitor tests

  • Static
  • Dynamic using Janitor component
  • classic RTE tests
  • submission of jobs requiring different types of RTEs

CE-F12: gridmapfile

  • retrieval of proper DN lists
  • example authorization scenarios (vo groups)

CE-F13: infopublishing: nordugrid schema

  • Purpose: Check that the CE properly publishes cluster, queue, user and job information according to nordugrid schema.

Needed files: arc.conf,, nsnames.txt, testldap.xrsl, pbs.conf in Media:ARC_CE-F13-F16.tar.gz

Description of the test:

  1. Setup the testbed as described above using the given arc.conf, restart a-rex and grid-infosys;
  2. From a remote machine with ng* or arc* clients installed, submit at least 4 jobs using testldap.xrsl, wait until the jobs are in any INLRMS:Q and INLRMS:R status.
  3. from a remote machine, run the command:
    ldapsearch -h -p 2135 -x -b 'Mds-Vo-Name=local,o=grid' > nordugrid_ldif.txt
  4. in the same directory as the file generated above, place attached and nsnames.txt
  5. run


Description of testbed here

Expected result:

the output of should contain at least 89 published objects, and these should be at least:

nordugrid-job-reqcputime nordugrid-queue-maxqueuable nordugrid-cluster-support nordugrid-job-stdin nordugrid-info-group nordugrid-job-execcluster nordugrid-queue-architecture nordugrid-cluster-lrms-type nordugrid-authuser-sn nordugrid-queue-localqueued nordugrid-cluster-architecture nordugrid-cluster-sessiondir-lifetime nordugrid-job-gmlog nordugrid-cluster-runtimeenvironment nordugrid-queue-totalcpus nordugrid-cluster-name nordugrid-queue-defaultcputime nordugrid-cluster-cache-total nordugrid-job-cpucount nordugrid-queue-name nordugrid-cluster-sessiondir-total nordugrid-cluster-prelrmsqueued nordugrid-cluster-issuerca-hash nordugrid-cluster-opsys nordugrid-queue-maxwalltime nordugrid-cluster-sessiondir-free nordugrid-cluster-comment nordugrid-queue-gridrunning nordugrid-job-completiontime nordugrid-queue-comment nordugrid-queue-prelrmsqueued nordugrid-queue-nodememory nordugrid-authuser-diskspace nordugrid-cluster-cpudistribution nordugrid-job-usedmem nordugrid-job-submissionui nordugrid-cluster-middleware nordugrid-queue nordugrid-job-status nordugrid-queue-homogeneity nordugrid-queue-defaultwalltime nordugrid-cluster-trustedca nordugrid-job-sessiondirerasetime nordugrid-job-usedwalltime nordugrid-cluster-issuerca nordugrid-queue-mincputime nordugrid-cluster-owner nordugrid-queue-gridqueued nordugrid-cluster-nodecpu nordugrid-job-reqwalltime nordugrid-cluster-contactstring nordugrid-cluster-localse nordugrid-info-group-name nordugrid-cluster-benchmark nordugrid-job-stdout nordugrid-job-executionnodes nordugrid-queue-running nordugrid-cluster-usedcpus nordugrid-job-globalid nordugrid-cluster-totaljobs nordugrid-queue-opsys nordugrid-job-stderr nordugrid-cluster nordugrid-authuser-name nordugrid-queue-maxrunning nordugrid-queue-status nordugrid-job-runtimeenvironment nordugrid-queue-nodecpu nordugrid-cluster-credentialexpirationtime nordugrid-authuser nordugrid-job-proxyexpirationtime nordugrid-job-globalowner nordugrid-cluster-totalcpus nordugrid-queue-benchmark nordugrid-job-execqueue nordugrid-cluster-cache-free nordugrid-authuser-queuelength nordugrid-cluster-homogeneity nordugrid-job-usedcputime nordugrid-job-exitcode nordugrid-job-queuerank nordugrid-queue-maxcputime nordugrid-queue-schedulingpolicy nordugrid-authuser-freecpus nordugrid-job-jobname nordugrid-cluster-lrms-version nordugrid-job nordugrid-cluster-aliasname nordugrid-job-submissiontime


CE-F14: infopublishing: glue1.2 schema

  • Purpose: Check that the CE properly publishes resource info according to glue-1.2 schema.

attached files: arc.conf, textldap.xsrl in Media:ARC_CE-F13-F16.tar.gz

Description of the test:

  1. Setup the testbed using the given arc.conf, restart a-rex and grid-infosys;
  2. On a remote machine, setup of the EMI glue validator that can be found here: [1]
  3. From a remote machine with ng* or arc* clients installed, submit at least 4 jobs using testldap.xrsl, wait until the jobs are in any INLRMS:Q and INLRMS:R status.
  4. from a remote machine, run the command:
    ldapsearch -h -p 2135 -x -b 'Mds-Vo-Name=resource,o=grid' > glue12_ldif.txt
  5. run the glue validator on the resulting file:
    glue-validator -t glue1 -f glue12_ldif.txt

Testbed: Describe testbed here Expected result:

glue12_ldap.txt validates with no relevant errors using EMI validator.

Result: : X out of Y tests PASSED/FAILED


CE-F15: infopublishing: glue2 LDAP schema

  • Purpose: Check that the CE properly publishes resource info according to the glue2 LDAP schema. Use EMI validator

Description of the test:

  1. Pick a testbed machine (i.e. that has a-rex running (service a-rex start) and ldap information system running (nordugrid-arc-slapd and nordugrid-arc-bdii running);
  2. Setup of the EMI glue validator that can be found here: [2]
  3. run the command:
    ldapsearch -h -p 2135 -x -b 'o=glue' > glue2_ldif.txt
  4. run the glue validator on the resulting file:
    glue-validator -t glue2 -f glue2_ldif.txt

Testbed: Describe testbed here Expected result:

glue2_ldap.txt validates with no relevant errors using EMI validator.

Result: X out of Y test PASSED/FAILED

CE-F16: infopublishing: glue2 xml schema

  • Purpose: Check that the CE properly publishes resource info according to the glue2 xml schema. Use some validator

Performance tests

CE-P1: service reliability

Services run by the component must maintain a good performance and reliability over long periods of time with normal operation. Long running unattended operation test measuring performance of the product. Service must not show performance degradation during a 3-day period.

example provided by: NSC medium-size resource: ~100 nodes running ~1000 jobs each 5 hours, which would give around < 5000 jobs in infosys that would give peak submission at 200 jobs per hour large-size resource: ~10k nodes running ~100k jobs each 5 hours, which would give around < 500k jobs in infosys that would give peak submission at 20 000 jobs per hour

CE-P2: load test

stress test the CE with

  • massive amount of synchronous job submission
  • massive amount of synchronous info query

CE-P3: job submission failure rate

run a properly configured CE and exercise that with e.g. series of 100 job submissions. check the failure rate


for i in `seq 1 100`
 arcsub -d VERBOSE -f tasks.xrls -c  ARC1: &
#arcsub -d VERBOSE -f tasks.xrls -c  ARC1:


gcc $1 -o prog
./prog $2 $3 $4
if test $? = 0
    exit 0
    exit 1

file prog.c:

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 int i;
  for (i=1;i < argc;i++) printf("%s\n",argv[i]);
  return 0;

fite tasks.xrls:

(arguments=   "prog.c" "arg1" "arg2" "arg3" )
("" "")
("prog.c" "prog.c")
(outputfiles=("/"  " ")

copy files in directory:

to run test type:


There are two possibilities to run test in sequence or quasi parallel option (& running command in background). Uncomment appropriate line in script

Scalability tests


Standard compliance/conformance tests

see the XYZ functionality test for glue2

CE-ICT Inter-component tests

ARC CE integration tests defined at

CE-ICT9 Integration Test 9 for ARC

Make sure you have access to at least three compute elements running A-REX, CREAM CE, and UNICORE/X, respectively, with support for the EMI-ES. You may e.g. use the EMI Test Bed. Note that the binary ARC package is not built with direct UNICORE support, but it may work with BES, as suggested by Martin.

Acquire a proxy certificate

   arcproxy -S

or using another appropriate VO.

Prepare a job submission script ict9.jsdl

   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <JobDefinition xmlns="">
         <POSIXApplication xmlns="">

and an executable job script

   #! /bin/sh
   date --rfc-3339=seconds
   date --rfc-3339=seconds >ict9.env
   env >>ict9.env

Submit the job to a CE of each kind using

   arcsub -S org.ogf.glue.emies.activitycreation -c ict9.jsdl

Follow the submitted jobs with arcstat jobid. Fetch completed jobs with arcget jobid, and check the result files.

Add sleep 900 or similar to the end of the script. Repeat the above, but instead of fetching the jobs, try to cancel the jobs with arckill jobid before they complete.

CE-ICT10 Integration Test 10

Summary Top BDII to consume GLUE2 LDAP from ARIS

1) Pick any testbed machine, and note the hostname, let's call it <hostname>.
Selected machines were,

Configure it with LDAP GLUE2 enabled, that means that:

1a)the [infosys] block must contain at least:
1b) configure the [infosys/admindomain] block with at least this info:
2) Configure emir-serp to submit to some EMIR.
3) start the services gridftpd, arex, nordugrid-arc-slapd, nordugrid-arc-bdii, emir-serp. (in the listed order)
4) Choose a EMI testbed top-bdii that is bootstrapped via the EMIR you registered to.

Note: Bootstrapping with EMIR was not done.

selected top level BDIIs where: ,

Add the following two lines to /var/cache/glite/top-urls.conf: ldap://,o=glue
testbed-emi5 ldap://,o=glue
5) wait for 1 minute, then run a ldapsearch on a top-bdii:
ldapsearch -x -h <topbdiihostname> -p 2170 -b 'GLUE2GroupID=services,GLUE2DomainID=urn:ad:emitestbed,GLUE2GroupID=grid,o=glue' | grep <hostname>
6) If the above search return some values, then the test is PASSED, otherwise FAILED.
7) test PASSED. Results:
$ ldapsearch -x -h -p 2170 -b 'GLUE2GroupID=services,GLUE2DomainID=urn:ad:emitestbed,GLUE2GroupID=grid,o=glue' '(objectclass=GLUE2ComputingService)' GLUE2EntityName
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <GLUE2GroupID=services,GLUE2DomainID=urn:ad:emitestbed,GLUE2GroupID=grid,o=glue> with scope subtree
# filter: (objectclass=GLUE2ComputingService)
# requesting: GLUE2EntityName 

#, services, urn:ad:emitestb
 ed, grid, glue
GLUE2EntityName: pgs03

#, services, urn:ad:e
 mitestbed, grid, glue
GLUE2EntityName: testbed-emi5

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 3
# numEntries: 2

s$ ldapsearch -x -h -p 2170 -b 'GLUE2GroupID=services,GLUE2DomainID=urn:ad:emitestbed,GLUE2GroupID=grid,o=glue' '(objectclass=GLUE2ComputingService)' GLUE2EntityName
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <GLUE2GroupID=services,GLUE2DomainID=urn:ad:emitestbed,GLUE2GroupID=grid,o=glue> with scope subtree
# filter: (objectclass=GLUE2ComputingService)
# requesting: GLUE2EntityName 

#, services, urn:ad:emitestb
 ed, grid, glue
GLUE2EntityName: pgs03

#, services, urn:ad:e
 mitestbed, grid, glue
GLUE2EntityName: testbed-emi5

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 3
# numEntries: 2

Integration Test 11

Summary Execute jobs with data stage-in/stage-out using the EMI SEs and LFC.

This test submits a job which requires 3 files from LFC, whose replicas are in the three different SEs. The job generates a file which is then uploaded by the CE to the three different SEs and registered in LFC under the same LFN.

Testbed resources: From EMI-3 RC testbed: ARC CE, DPM, LFC, StoRM, dCache, ARC Clients. The 3 input files specified in the job description were created on 5/2/12 and are assumed to still exist.

Job description ARC-CE-Integration-Test-11.xrsl:

("jobname" = "ARC-CE-Integration-Test-11")
("executable" = "")
("walltime" = "30" )
("cputime" = "30" )
("stdout" = "stdout")
("stderr" = "stderr")
("gmlog" = "gmlog")
("rerun" = "3")

("inputfiles" =
   (* Caching is explicitly turned off to force downloads *)

(* The list of output files is created by the job *)
("outputfiles" = ("@output" ""))

Job executable


# generates a file and an output files list to upload it

/bin/dd of=test1 if=/dev/urandom count=100 


cat > output <<EOF
test1 lfc://srm://$$GUID
test1 lfc://srm://$$GUID
test1 lfc://srm://$$GUID

To run test:

  • Save the above two files in the same directory
  • Generate a VOMS proxy for the VO
  • Submit job to ARC CE: arcsub -c ARC-CE-Integration-Test-11.xrsl
  • Poll status with arcstat
  • If the job finished successfully the output files can be checked by listing LFC: arcls -lL lfc://

CE-ICT12 Integration Test 12

Summary Run a basic functionality test to see if BDII backend of ARIS runs and info is there

1) Configure any testbed machine with ldap enabled. The following shows a sample arc.conf that tries to enable

most of the information:


sessiondir="/var/grid" drain

# gridftp server config
logsize="100000 2"

# job submission interface via gridftp

# openldap server config



# This block holds information that is needed by the glue 1.2
# generation. This is only necessary if infosys_glue12 is enabled.


# These three variables need to be set if infosys_glue12 is enabled.

# Example: "Lund, Sweden"
resource_location="Lund, Sweden"

# Example: "55.75000"

# Example: "12.41670"

# Example 2400

# Example Cores=3,Benchmark=9.8-HEP-SPEC06

# Example

# Example NDGF-T1

# This variable decides if the GlueSite should be published. In case
# you want to set up a more complicated setup with several publishers
# of data to a GlueSite, then you may wish to tweak this parameter.

# [infosys/site/sitename] Site BDII configuration block, this block is
# used to configure ARC to generate a site-bdii that can be registered
# in GOCDB etc to make it a part of a gLite network. The sitename
# part is to be declarative of the site-bdii being generated.
# The unique id used to identify this site, eg "NDGF-T1"
# The url is on the format:
# ldap://host.domain:2170/mds-vo-name=something,o=grid and should
# point to the resource-bdii

# infosys view of the computing cluster (service)
cluster_alias="Performance Test Server"
comment="This server is used for infoproviders performance tests"
lrms_config="Single job per processor"
cluster_owner="University of Lund"
benchmark="specfp2000 333"

# infosys view of the queue behind the computing service,
# every CE needs at least one queue
#comment="This queue is nothing more than a fork host"

#comment="simple pbs batch queue"

# Example Cores=3,Benchmark=9.8-HEP-SPEC06

# Example

# Example NDGF-T1

# This variable decides if the GlueSite should be published. In case
# you want to set up a more complicated setup with several publishers
# of data to a GlueSite, then you may wish to tweak this parameter.

# [infosys/site/sitename] Site BDII configuration block, this block is
# used to configure ARC to generate a site-bdii that can be registered
# in GOCDB etc to make it a part of a gLite network. The sitename
# part is to be declarative of the site-bdii being generated.
# The unique id used to identify this site, eg "NDGF-T1"
# The url is on the format:
# ldap://host.domain:2170/mds-vo-name=something,o=grid and should
# point to the resource-bdii

# infosys view of the computing cluster (service)
cluster_alias="Performance Test Server"
comment="This server is used for infoproviders performance tests"
lrms_config="Single job per processor"
cluster_owner="University of Lund"
benchmark="specfp2000 333"

# infosys view of the queue behind the computing service,
# every CE needs at least one queue

2) start the services gridftp, arex, nordugrid-arc-slapd, nordugrid-arc-bdii (in this order)
3.1) wait several minutes and check slapd+bdii didn't die by testing service status:
# service nordugrid-arc-bdii status
BDII Running [ OK ]
3.2) check that slapd is running:
[root@piff ~]# ps aux | grep slapd
ldap      1649  0.1 51.6 4665640 1059792 ?     Ssl  Feb29   2:02 /usr/sbin/slapd -f /var/run/arc/bdii/bdii-slapd.conf -h ldap://*:2135 -u ldap
root     13860  0.0  0.0  61192   764 pts/0    S+   10:47   0:00 grep slapd
if slapd is not running, the test is FAILED.
4) run a ldapsearch on all the trees (can also be run on the same machine):
ldapsearch -x -h -p 2135 -b 'mds-vo-name=local,o=grid'
ldapsearch -x -h -p 2135 -b 'mds-vo-name=resource,o=grid'
ldapsearch -x -h -p 2135 -b 'o=glue'
5) If all the three researches above return some values, then the test is PASSED, otherwise FAILED.
6) test passed. Result summary:
$ ldapsearch -x -h -p 2135 -b 'mds-vo-name=local,o=grid' | tail -n20
Mds-validto: 20130201184938Z
objectClass: Mds
objectClass: nordugrid-authuser
Mds-validfrom: 20130201184838Z
nordugrid-authuser-freecpus: 1
nordugrid-authuser-sn: [REMOVED FOR PRIVACY]
nordugrid-authuser-diskspace: 6042
nordugrid-authuser-name: [REMOVED FOR PRIVACY>]
nordugrid-authuser-queuelength: 0

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 655
# numEntries: 654

$ ldapsearch -x -h -p 2135 -b 'mds-vo-name=resource,o=grid' | tail -n20
objectClass: GlueSchemaVersion
GlueCEStateFreeJobSlots: 0
GlueSchemaVersionMinor: 2
GlueCEStateEstimatedResponseTime: 0
GlueCEStateWorstResponseTime: 2000
GlueCEInfoDefaultSE: 0
GlueSchemaVersionMajor: 1
GlueCEInfoApplicationDir: unset
GlueCEStateRunningJobs: 0
GlueCEStateWaitingJobs: 0
GlueCEStateTotalJobs: 0

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 9
# numEntries: 8

$ ldapsearch -x -h -p 2135 -b 'o=glue' | tail -n20, services, glue
dn: GLUE2ApplicationEnvironmentID=urn:ogf:ApplicationEnvironment:testbed-emi5.,GLUE2GroupID=ApplicationEnvironments,GLUE2ManagerID=urn:og,GLUE2ServiceID=urn:ogf:Compu,GLUE2GroupID=services,o=glue
objectClass: GLUE2ApplicationEnvironment
GLUE2ApplicationEnvironmentAppName: ENV/LOCALDISK
GLUE2ApplicationEnvironmentState: installednotverified
GLUE2ApplicationEnvironmentID: urn:ogf:ApplicationEnvironment:testbed-emi5.gri
GLUE2ApplicationEnvironmentComputingManagerForeignKey: urn:ogf:ComputingManage
GLUE2ApplicationEnvironmentAppVersion: 1000

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 36
# numEntries: 35

Integration Test 13

Summary Do authorization filtering based on VOMS attributes and ARGUS authorization.

The deployment include the ARC CE (A-REX) from Kosice (, see:; although the planned ARC CE for testing is on testbed-emi5, the current successful ARC CE is on, because this one is auto-deployed and includes a code update (svn commit number 26875, about the Argus plugin) which will be included in the final release) and Argus PDP service from INFN ( The policy in Argus service should include the VO name ---, so that the clients to ARC CE are forced to get voms proxy from emi's testing voms server.

  • Access control policy that needs to add on the Argus PAP's policy repository, according to Argus's policy definition:
resource "" {
 action ".*" {
    rule permit { vo="" }
    rule permit { emi-vo="" }
  • Configuration change on the service (A-REX) side (arc.conf):

1) if there is no related *.lsf configured, alternatively, on the [common] section, please add:


2) on the [grid-manager] section, add:

  • Prerequisite on the client side:

The client should obtain a voms proxy from emi testbed's voms server, for which you should have the following information configured in the vomses file:

"" "" "15002" "/C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Host/L=CNAF/" ""
"" "" "15002" "/C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Host/L=CNAF/" ""

You may use arcproxy to generate a voms proxy which is supposed to have "" as the vo name in the extension part.

Then you may use the proxy to access the A-REX service via arc client utilities (e.g. arcsub).

The arc.conf of testbed node ( is shown at:

The fresh log of grid-manager is shown at:

Integration Test 26

Summary Submit and monitor jobs to ARC CE using LCAS for authorization and LCMAPS for user mapping.

Integration Test 9 for EMI-3

Summary Execute jobs with data stage-in/stage-out using the EMI SEs and LFC.

This test submits a job which requires 3 files from LFC, whose replicas are in the three different SEs. The job generates a file which is then uploaded by the CE to the three different SEs and registered in LFC under the same LFN.

Testbed resources: From EMI-3 RC testbed: ARC CE, DPM, LFC, StoRM, dCache, ARC Clients. The 3 input files specified in the job description were created on 5/2/12 and are assumed to still exist.

Job description ARC-CE-Integration-Test-09.xrsl:

 ("jobname" = "ARC-CE-Integration-Test-09")
 ("executable" = "")
 ("walltime" = "30" )
 ("cputime" = "30" )
 ("stdout" = "stdout")
 ("stderr" = "stderr")
 ("gmlog" = "gmlog")
 ("rerun" = "3")
 ("inputfiles" =
   (* Caching is explicitly turned off to force downloads *)
 (* The list of output files is created by the job *)
 ("outputfiles" = ("@output" ""))

Job executable

 # generates a file and an output files list to upload it
 /bin/dd of=test1 if=/dev/urandom count=100 
 cat > output <<EOF
 test1 lfc://srm://$$GUID
 test1 lfc://srm://$$GUID
 test1 lfc://srm://$$GUID

To run test:

  • Save the above two files in the same directory
  • Generate a VOMS proxy for the VO
  • Submit job to ARC CE: arcsub -c ARC-CE-Integration-Test-09.xrsl
  • Poll status with arcstat
  • If the job finished successfully the output files can be checked by listing LFC: arcls -lL lfc://

Integration Test 17 for EMI-3

Summary Do a third-party copy of a file between an dCache and DPM SE.


  • VOMS proxy with extension
  • The following packages must be installed:
    • nordugrid-arc-client
    • nordugrid-arc-plugins-globus
    • nordugrid-arc-plugins-gfal
    • gfal2-all
arccp localfile srm://
arccp -3 -i srm:// \
arccp srm:// localfile2
md5sum localfile localfile2

Integration Test 20 for EMI-3

Summary AREX CAR accounting. AREX jobs executed and properly reported via JURA and CAR records in APEL.

  • APEL test server's information:
    • host:
    • port: 6163
    • destination/topic: /queue/global.accounting.cputest.CENTRAL
1) Enable the accounting publisher in the ARC CE
2) Allow the machine's DN (/C=SK/O=SlovakGrid/O=UPJS/CN=host/ by the APEL server Administrator (
3) Send job(s) to the ARC CE and the records will be send ones per hour in one aggregated message.
4) Check the SSM sender's log at /var/spool/arc/ssm/ssmsend.log.

Current outputs are same:

2013-02-07 10:50:24,392 - ssmsend - INFO - ========================================
2013-02-07 10:50:24,398 - ssmsend - INFO - Starting sending SSM version 2.0.0.
2013-02-07 10:50:24,398 - ssmsend - INFO - No server certificate supplied.  Will not encrypt messages.
2013-02-07 10:50:24,638 - - INFO - Established connection to host, port 6163
2013-02-07 10:50:24,640 - ssm2 - INFO - Will send messages to: /queue/global.accounting.cputest.CENTRAL
2013-02-07 10:50:24,680 - ssm2 - INFO - Connected.
2013-02-07 10:50:24,741 - ssm2 - INFO - Found 83 messages.
2013-02-07 10:50:24,748 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130130155608
2013-02-07 10:50:24,801 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:24,913 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130130155608
2013-02-07 10:50:25,318 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130130165715
2013-02-07 10:50:25,327 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:25,402 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130130165715
2013-02-07 10:50:25,843 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130130175901
2013-02-07 10:50:25,851 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:25,927 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130130175901
2013-02-07 10:50:26,362 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130130190009
2013-02-07 10:50:26,371 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:26,446 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130130190009
2013-02-07 10:50:26,882 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130130200129
2013-02-07 10:50:26,891 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:26,968 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130130200129
2013-02-07 10:50:27,422 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130130210217
2013-02-07 10:50:27,430 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:27,506 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130130210217
2013-02-07 10:50:27,933 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130130213628
2013-02-07 10:50:27,942 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:28,054 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130130213628
2013-02-07 10:50:28,449 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130130223736
2013-02-07 10:50:28,457 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:28,532 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130130223736
2013-02-07 10:50:28,964 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130130233805
2013-02-07 10:50:28,973 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:29,048 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130130233805
2013-02-07 10:50:29,482 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130131003804
2013-02-07 10:50:29,491 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:29,566 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130131003804
2013-02-07 10:50:29,999 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130131013804
2013-02-07 10:50:30,007 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:30,083 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130131013804
2013-02-07 10:50:30,526 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130131023804
2013-02-07 10:50:30,568 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:30,643 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130131023804
2013-02-07 10:50:31,077 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130131033804
2013-02-07 10:50:31,086 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:31,161 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130131033804
2013-02-07 10:50:31,595 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130131043806
2013-02-07 10:50:31,603 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:31,678 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130131043806
2013-02-07 10:50:32,111 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130131054004
2013-02-07 10:50:32,120 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:32,196 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130131054004
2013-02-07 10:50:32,627 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130131064004
2013-02-07 10:50:32,643 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:32,719 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130131064004
2013-02-07 10:50:33,157 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130131074004
2013-02-07 10:50:33,182 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:33,263 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130131074004
2013-02-07 10:50:33,690 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130131080249
2013-02-07 10:50:33,699 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:33,774 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130131080249
2013-02-07 10:50:34,206 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130131091004
2013-02-07 10:50:34,215 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:34,290 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130131091004
2013-02-07 10:50:34,720 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130131101004
2013-02-07 10:50:34,728 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:34,804 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130131101004
2013-02-07 10:50:35,234 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130131102803
2013-02-07 10:50:35,243 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:35,318 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130131102803
2013-02-07 10:50:35,746 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130131112859
2013-02-07 10:50:35,754 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:35,829 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130131112859
2013-02-07 10:50:36,269 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130131123008
2013-02-07 10:50:36,278 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:36,390 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130131123008
2013-02-07 10:50:36,789 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130201090050
2013-02-07 10:50:36,797 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:36,909 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130201090050
2013-02-07 10:50:37,301 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130201090142
2013-02-07 10:50:37,310 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:37,385 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130201090142
2013-02-07 10:50:37,816 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130201100254
2013-02-07 10:50:37,938 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:37,976 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130201100254
2013-02-07 10:50:38,461 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130203164305
2013-02-07 10:50:38,469 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:38,544 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130203164305
2013-02-07 10:50:38,974 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130203175011
2013-02-07 10:50:38,983 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:39,096 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130203175011
2013-02-07 10:50:39,490 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130203185111
2013-02-07 10:50:39,498 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:39,574 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130203185111
2013-02-07 10:50:40,002 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130203195309
2013-02-07 10:50:40,011 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:40,086 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130203195309
2013-02-07 10:50:40,516 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130203205417
2013-02-07 10:50:40,524 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:40,600 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130203205417
2013-02-07 10:50:41,033 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130203215537
2013-02-07 10:50:41,042 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:41,118 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130203215537
2013-02-07 10:50:41,546 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130203225614
2013-02-07 10:50:41,555 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:41,630 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130203225614
2013-02-07 10:50:42,063 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130203235753
2013-02-07 10:50:42,072 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:42,148 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130203235753
2013-02-07 10:50:42,578 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130204005848
2013-02-07 10:50:42,586 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:42,661 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130204005848
2013-02-07 10:50:43,093 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130204015956
2013-02-07 10:50:43,101 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:43,177 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130204015956
2013-02-07 10:50:43,620 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130204030022
2013-02-07 10:50:43,628 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:43,704 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130204030022
2013-02-07 10:50:44,138 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130204040049
2013-02-07 10:50:44,147 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:44,222 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130204040049
2013-02-07 10:50:44,657 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130204050246
2013-02-07 10:50:44,666 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:44,741 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130204050246
2013-02-07 10:50:45,168 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130204060435
2013-02-07 10:50:45,177 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:45,252 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130204060435
2013-02-07 10:50:45,684 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130204070450
2013-02-07 10:50:45,692 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:45,768 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130204070450
2013-02-07 10:50:46,201 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130204080646
2013-02-07 10:50:46,209 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:46,285 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130204080646
2013-02-07 10:50:46,717 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130205085250
2013-02-07 10:50:46,725 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:46,800 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130205085250
2013-02-07 10:50:47,234 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130205095826
2013-02-07 10:50:47,244 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:47,356 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130205095826
2013-02-07 10:50:47,755 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130205105921
2013-02-07 10:50:47,764 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:47,876 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130205105921
2013-02-07 10:50:48,272 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130205120029
2013-02-07 10:50:48,281 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:48,356 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130205120029
2013-02-07 10:50:48,804 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130205130127
2013-02-07 10:50:48,812 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:48,888 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130205130127
2013-02-07 10:50:49,318 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130205140257
2013-02-07 10:50:49,327 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:49,402 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130205140257
2013-02-07 10:50:49,834 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130205150322
2013-02-07 10:50:49,843 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:49,918 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130205150322
2013-02-07 10:50:50,349 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130205160325
2013-02-07 10:50:50,358 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:50,434 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130205160325
2013-02-07 10:50:50,865 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130205170518
2013-02-07 10:50:50,874 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:50,988 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130205170518
2013-02-07 10:50:51,384 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130205180526
2013-02-07 10:50:51,392 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:51,468 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130205180526
2013-02-07 10:50:51,901 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130205190723
2013-02-07 10:50:51,910 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:51,985 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130205190723
2013-02-07 10:50:52,428 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130205200916
2013-02-07 10:50:52,437 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:52,512 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130205200916
2013-02-07 10:50:52,943 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130205210916
2013-02-07 10:50:52,951 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:53,027 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130205210916
2013-02-07 10:50:53,457 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130205220916
2013-02-07 10:50:53,466 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:53,541 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130205220916
2013-02-07 10:50:53,989 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130205230916
2013-02-07 10:50:53,998 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:54,073 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130205230916
2013-02-07 10:50:54,506 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130206000916
2013-02-07 10:50:54,515 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:54,590 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130206000916
2013-02-07 10:50:55,019 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130206010916
2013-02-07 10:50:55,028 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:55,103 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130206010916
2013-02-07 10:50:55,534 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130206020916
2013-02-07 10:50:55,543 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:55,618 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130206020916
2013-02-07 10:50:56,047 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130206030917
2013-02-07 10:50:56,056 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:56,137 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130206030917
2013-02-07 10:50:56,563 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130206040916
2013-02-07 10:50:56,572 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:56,647 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130206040916
2013-02-07 10:50:57,129 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130206050916
2013-02-07 10:50:57,138 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:57,213 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130206050916
2013-02-07 10:50:57,652 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130206060916
2013-02-07 10:50:57,661 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:57,736 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130206060916
2013-02-07 10:50:58,171 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130206070916
2013-02-07 10:50:58,180 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:58,255 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130206070916
2013-02-07 10:50:58,686 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130206080916
2013-02-07 10:50:58,695 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:58,770 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130206080916
2013-02-07 10:50:59,212 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130206170057
2013-02-07 10:50:59,221 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:59,296 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130206170057
2013-02-07 10:50:59,730 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130206180123
2013-02-07 10:50:59,739 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:50:59,852 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130206180123
2013-02-07 10:51:00,245 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130206190312
2013-02-07 10:51:00,254 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:51:00,329 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130206190312
2013-02-07 10:51:00,765 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130206200317
2013-02-07 10:51:00,773 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:51:00,849 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130206200317
2013-02-07 10:51:01,280 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130206210324
2013-02-07 10:51:01,289 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:51:01,364 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130206210324
2013-02-07 10:51:01,797 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130206220522
2013-02-07 10:51:01,806 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:51:01,881 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130206220522
2013-02-07 10:51:02,309 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130206230719
2013-02-07 10:51:02,318 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:51:02,393 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130206230719
2013-02-07 10:51:02,826 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130207000726
2013-02-07 10:51:02,835 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:51:02,910 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130207000726
2013-02-07 10:51:03,342 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130207010732
2013-02-07 10:51:03,350 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:51:03,426 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130207010732
2013-02-07 10:51:03,887 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130207020840
2013-02-07 10:51:03,895 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:51:03,971 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130207020840
2013-02-07 10:51:04,402 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130207030916
2013-02-07 10:51:04,411 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:51:04,486 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130207030916
2013-02-07 10:51:04,912 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130207040916
2013-02-07 10:51:04,920 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:51:04,996 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130207040916
2013-02-07 10:51:05,429 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130207050916
2013-02-07 10:51:05,438 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:51:05,513 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130207050916
2013-02-07 10:51:05,943 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130207060916
2013-02-07 10:51:05,951 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:51:06,026 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130207060916
2013-02-07 10:51:06,453 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130207070916
2013-02-07 10:51:06,462 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:51:06,537 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130207070916
2013-02-07 10:51:06,964 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130207080916
2013-02-07 10:51:06,973 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:51:07,048 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130207080916
2013-02-07 10:51:07,474 - ssm2 - INFO - Sending message: 00000000/20130207095023
2013-02-07 10:51:07,482 - ssm2 - INFO - Waiting for broker to accept message.
2013-02-07 10:51:07,558 - ssm2 - INFO - Broker received message: 00000000/20130207095023
2013-02-07 10:51:07,983 - ssmsend - INFO - SSM run has finished.
2013-02-07 10:51:07,983 - ssm2 - INFO - SSM connection ended.
2013-02-07 10:51:07,983 - ssmsend - INFO - SSM has shut down.
2013-02-07 10:51:07,983 - ssmsend - INFO - ========================================