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ARC 0.8rc3 TODO

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Issues not fixed in the final 0.8

  • A-REX does not work with SRM servers:
  • ngsub does not reject job requests with invalid xrsl where multiple input files are mapped to the same file, described in bug 1286
  • inconsistent versioning of BDII package

BDII and SElinux

The ARC information system (started with grid-infosys) fails to start on systems with SELinux enabled. This is on RHEL5 due to 2 restrictions related to BDII4 which can be manually solved:

  • Allow slapd to use other ports than 389, 636 (namely 2136 and 2137)
 semanage port -a -t ldap_port_t -p tcp 2136-2137
  • The temporary files created by BDII4 under /var/run/bdii4 have wrong context:
 Default Context       root:object_r:initrc_var_run_t
 Required Context      root:system_r:slapd_t

Solution: Add the line:


in the [infosys] section of /etc/arc.conf to solve this.

ARC Information Index Server (EGIIS)

Due to the way that the new ARC Information Index Server is implemented it is not supported by all platforms. It is known not to work with out-of-the box openldap on the following systems:

  • Gentoo (slapd not a shared object)

Distributions which have been checked and should work:

  • Red Hat Enterprise 5 i386,x86_64
  • Red Hat Enterprise 4 i386
  • CentOS 5 i386,x86_64
  • Fedora 11 i386, x86_64

Post 0.8.1 RC2, these should work as well:

  • Debian 5.0.x AMD64
  • Ubuntu 8.04 i386
  • Ubuntu 8.10 i386
  • Ubuntu 9.04 x86_64

The reason is that EGIIS uses the standard openldap server, but modifies the functionality slightly so it is backwards compatible with old ARC. Globus implemented a non-standard LDAP server (MDS GIIS) which responds with a whole LDAP entry even though the single attribute (giisregistrationstatus) is requested.