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Testing for update EMI 1.1.0

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Test plan

Media: ARC_test_plan_v0.5.doc

Test report

ARC gridftp server v. 1.1.0

ARC CE v. 1.1.0

ARC Infosys v. 1.1.0

ARC Clients v. 1.1.0

ARC Core v. 1.1.0

Nagios plugins

Unit test coverage

Code analysis

  • Tester: Marek
  • Sloccount:
cpp:         148276 (74.66%)
perl:         18584 (9.36%)
php:          14363 (7.23%)
python:       10620 (5.35%)
sh:            5891 (2.97%)
ansic:          808 (0.41%)
java:            63 (0.03%)

Total Physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC) = 198,605

The complete results of SLOC count entire ARC code can be found here


  • CCCC metrics:
Metric Tag Overall Per Module
Number of modules NOM 965
Lines of Code LOC 115339 119.522
McCabe's Cyclomatic Number MVG 34066 35.302
Lines of Comment COM 13772 14.272
LOC/COM L_C 8.375
MVG/COM M_C 2.474
Information Flow measure ( inclusive ) IF4 808773 838.107
Information Flow measure ( visible ) IF4v 808033 837.340
Information Flow measure ( concrete ) IF4c 4381 4.540
Lines of Code rejected by parser REJ 3358

The complete results for CCCC for entire ARC code can be found here

Unit tests

  • Will be provided by Anders

Organization of testing

The main difference of current testing is using of a new tool to store test report. Each tester is coauthor of test report. The status of testing is monitored via online interface and relevant part of final test reports are available on one click.

The successful results are not repeated if a new RC of 1.1.0 is issued.

To start testing a RC update from NorduGrid repository is taken.

Code repo

At the start no ETICS packages are available. 1.1.0 RC1 is available in Nordugrid repo. 

Availability of testers

Communication channels

Communication between testers, testers and developers will take place using various channels.

Wiki - It serves for sharing basic and important information, for example list and availability of testers, important dates and detailed test plan.

Database of test reports - All test reports must be submitted using online form which is compliant with EMI testing policies.

Form to submit test report: Interface to query performed tests:



Priorities of testing

Definition of priorities means that proper solving of these issues has very high impact on global quality of software.

Regression testing

the aim is to reduce number of unverified bugs

bug_id bug_severity priority short_desc component tester status

<A HREF=""></A> blocker P1 Arex installation failure CE Marek Passed
<A HREF=""></A> blocker P1 nordugrid-arc-client-tools metapackage incomplete Client Marek Passed
<A HREF=""></A> blocker P1 Startup policy for SySV services on Debian must be fixed ? T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> blocker P1 downloader fails if all the inputs are remote CE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> critical P1 Segmentation fault when looping a mapped std::list public member from Python Client Anders Passed (failed for Marek)
<A HREF=""></A> critical P1 provide out-of-box configuration examples for server-side ARC (CE, EGIIS and SE) CE Marek In Progress - asked for explanation
<A HREF=""></A> critical P1 download fails if one of the srm replicas cannot be fetched CE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> major P1 Absent clients metapackage in 1.0.1rc1 Client T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P1 man page for arctest Client Marek Passed

T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> critical P2 arc1 client rejects submission of jobs with RTEs of same name but different versions Client Marek Passed
<A HREF=""></A> major P2 get rid of the redland depdendency of Janitor ? Marek Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P2 arcrm does not return correct value Client Marek In Progress -asked for explanation
<A HREF=""></A> normal P2 arcstat asks for passphrase even if proxy exists Client Marek Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P2 error messages when uploading a file to existing file on arc: or gsiftp: should be the same Client Marek Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P2 ca_NorduGrid-certrequest-conf is not in Ubuntu, Debian repos ? Anders Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P2 A-REX must support dryrun job description attribute CORE Gabor Passed
<A HREF=""></A> minor P2 GGUS-Ticket-ID: #70959 EMI1 arc-infosys1.0.0, missing conf file or template, and also missing in the documentation INFO Florido Passed

T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> blocker P3 Rename nordugrid-arc-plugins-base to nordugrid-arc-plugins-needed ? Gabor Passed
<A HREF=""></A> blocker P3 wrong dependencies of nordugrid-arc-compute-element CE Marek Passed
<A HREF=""></A> blocker P3 a-rex is DOSing the LFC server, when many transfers are started at one CORE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> critical P3 Downloader checksum mismatch CE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> critical P3 Compilation fails in java bindings: Client Marek Passed
<A HREF=""></A> critical P3 Uploaders from WS ARC segfault while trying to upload to SRM:// URLs CE Marek Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> critical P3 Period and Time not usable with python for missing methods to get values Client T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> critical P3 2.6 python bindings for RH5 Client Anders Passed
<A HREF=""></A> critical P3 Implement strict behavior in user mapping during Attribute certificate parsing and validation CE (Security) ? Not done. It needs a voms server that supports attributes, a user with attributes enabled, a server that is accepted by the VOMS server. If somebody has all this setup please take it --Florido
<A HREF=""></A> critical P3 cache-cleaner aborted after 1h CORE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> critical P3 a-rex cannot be safely stopped, restarted when transfers are active CORE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> major P3 Batch systems backends produce invalid local job id when submission to LRMS fails CE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> major P3 Dependency issues for nordugrid-arc-ca-utils-1.0.0-0.b1.el5.x86_64 and arc-gridmap-utils-1.0.0-0.b1.el5.x86_64 ? Gabor Passed
<A HREF=""></A> major P3 services don't support chkconfig, scriptlet failures during install ? Gabor Passed
<A HREF=""></A> major P3 segfault in downloader in get/setenv CE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> major P3 Grid-infosys does not handle the remotegmdir drain option INFO Florido Passed
<A HREF=""></A> major P3 Problem building the nordugrid-arc-1.0.0b1 tarball that was generated in ETICS (swig compatibility) ? T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> major P3 ARC 11.05 parsing voms attributes CORE/Security ? Not done. It needs a voms server that supports attributes, a user with attributes enabled, a server that is accepted by the VOMS server. If somebody has all this setup please take it --Florido
<A HREF=""></A> major P3 ARClib's DownloadDirectory aborts with: globus_list_rest: Assertion `head != 0' failed. Client T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> major P3 New time format in arcproxy is not compatible with dCache INFO T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> major P3 a-rex in DTR mode when restarted can cause FINISHED jobs with no uploads CORE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 User tools (arccp/rm/ls) should uri encode their arguments before using them Client T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 arcget -very slow download from arc0 cluster Client Jozef Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 PBS back-end doesn't see non-grid jobs for PBSPro_10.0.0.82981 CE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 job memory set to nodememory if not specified CE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 scan-*-job fails reading .diag files in some configurations CE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 ngcat can not determine the stdout location Client Eva Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 fails - can't write to log. INFO Gabor Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 how nordugrid-queue-maxrunning is calculated on SGE backends CE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 Segmentation faults in DataStagingDelivery CE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 SRM DMC does not respect port specified in URL CE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 arcproxy -d does not recognize wrong debug level Client Gabor Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 all JDL jobs failing with "Failed in files upload (post-processing)" Client Eva Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 job submitted to a-rex is never in status queueing (so arcmigrate can not be used?) CORE Gabor Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 homogeneity config option is not working CORE Gabor Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 architecture=adotf is not substituted CORE Gabor Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 SRM DMC should not be part of the plugins-globus package ? T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 arcstat -a Error: Serious troubles (problems during processing problems) Client Eva Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 arcsub ERROR: Failed uploading file: Failed while writing to destination Client Gabor Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 unstable behaviour of arcget against WS AREX interface Client T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 arched in unknown state CORE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 Segfault in ngsub when submitting a multi-job xrsl Client Jozef Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 No pointer to Windows, Mac packages downloads ? T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 No default library path in the general hed profile ? T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 ngtest man errors Client Eva Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 ngtest - invalid error message. Message contains arctest Client Eva Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 Segmentation fault with ng* -t -1 Client Jozef Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 ngtest -giislist giis.list -configuration provides wrong information Client T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 ISIS can not load plugins INFO Gabor Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 files are deleted from session dir after failed upload CORE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 Credential tests fail on RHEL4 and Fedora 3 INFO T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 arcsub broker fails if memory is specified in xrsl Client Gabor Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 arcsub broker fails if opsys is specified in xrsl Client Gabor Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 wrong lifetime value translation by the arcsub Client Gabor Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 arcsub broker fails if architecture is specified in xrsl or CPUArchitecture/CPUArchitectureName is specified in JSDL Client Gabor Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 wrong location of in gridftpd init script Gridftp Gabor Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 no output generated if OperatinSystem is specified in JSDL Client Gabor Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 arcsub broker fails if VirtualMemoryLimit is specified in jsdl Client Gabor Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 Information system: wrong ownership INFO Gabor Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 Job submission failed, no more possible targets however server is health Client Gabor Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 multiple arched processes are spawned CORE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 not found INFO Gabor Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 Erroneous error messages when copying to stdout/stderr CE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 Strange exit code from /etc/init.d/grid-infosys status INFO T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 Glue12 reports the same value for physical and logical CPU amounts INFO T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 gridftp dmc is not using anonymous as the default for plain ftp. Griftp T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 Only SLURM 2.2.1 supported, not newer version. CE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 Repository for Ubuntu 11.04 ? Gabor Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 arcproxy manpage errors Client Gabor Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 Timeout for user uploadable files is too long CE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 typo in job description for arctest -J1 Client Gabor Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 gm-kick is called by scan-SLURM-job but it is not installed in {$basedir} CE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 ldapsearch should escape parentheses INFO Gabor Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 ARC shouldn't request a gsiftp URL when it isn't configured to use one CE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 ARC should release the TURL after transfer failure CE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 Unable to configure ARC to build with external LCMAPS headers ? T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 A-REX crashes when using WS-interface CORE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 arcclean reporting failure at server site Client Jozef Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 arc1 fails to compile with recent libxml2 and xmlsec CORE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 seg fault from gridftpd when submitting job CORE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 arcls fails to list files on dcache gridftp server Client Eva Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 GGUS-Ticket-ID: #71251 EMI1: no clear configuration instructions ? T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 URLs with spaces cannot be cached CE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 arc1 fails to compile if arc1 is already installed on the system ? T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 ARClib does not export the version number/string Client T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 jobs get stuck in EXECUTED when resumed after failing in uploading output files CORE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 ARC build problems ? T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 grid-infosystem startup script misdetects directory ownership INFO T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 The grid-infosys and the bdii start-up scripts use the same files INFO T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 arc* commands inconsistent behaviour between each other Client T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 nordugrid-arc-compute-element metapackage does not trigger the installation of CA packages CE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 inputcheck not resolving hostnames at all CORE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 arcrm can't delete directories through gsiftp CE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 1.0.1rc4 infoprovider failes due to wrong PID location INFO T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 [Arc] [ERROR] [15117/165611864] Failed setting file owner CORE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 ARC package descriptions are barely in english ? T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 Checksum is not done for files uploaded by the client Client T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 startup script fails in acknowledging the proper startup of slapd INFO T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 arched -v [2011-07-29 15:25:44] [Arc] [ERROR] [5057/57060800] Error loading generated configuration CORE Gabor Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 "ngls -l" only lists directories Client Eva Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 Job submission non-functional in Python Client T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 Memory leaks in Credential code Client T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 scan-SLURM-job is buggy, patch attached. CE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 nordugrid-arc-plugins-needed depends on nordugrid-arc-plugins-globus in yum ? Gabor Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 Infosys bdii fills /run partition on Fedora 15+ and Debian wheezy INFO T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 arc-ldap-monitor 1.0.1 lacks dependencies (php-ldap + many more) INFO Gabor Passed
<A HREF=""></A> normal P3 Unable to use the static Parse method in JobDescription class from python Client T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> minor P3 Confusing error messages with ngcp/ngls Client T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> minor P3 grid-infosys startup script does not output text properly INFO T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> minor P3 arcstat with wrong debug level falls back to FATAL Client Eva Passed
<A HREF=""></A> minor P3 No check for Python.h is made in ./configure, but the python bindings are built ? T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> minor P3 Downloading fails from ARC gridftpd 0.8.1 site when using cache. Gridftp T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> minor P3 missmatch between Mb and kB in scan-sge-job CE Gabor Passed
<A HREF=""></A> minor P3 PBS integration fixes CE T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> minor P3 arcproxy: wrong error message when key/certificate files are absent Client Gabor Passed
<A HREF=""></A> minor P3 nordugrid-cluster-location is not published to Information System INFO Gabor Passed
<A HREF=""></A> trivial P3 arc.conf.template refers to arc server but is in package nordugrid-arc-client Client T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> trivial P3 Fedora yum repository configuration example has wrong names ? T? Passed/Failed/In Progress

T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> trivial P4 failed ngcp from gsiftp leaves zero length local file Clint T? Passed/Failed/In Progress

T? Passed/Failed/In Progress
<A HREF=""></A> major P5 Configuration issues when running a split GFS / GM setup INFO T? Passed/Failed/In Progress

New features

bug_id bug_severity priority short_desc Componet Tester Status

<A HREF=""></A> feature request P1 ability to use srm over https through url option CE Marek IN PROGRESS
<A HREF=""></A> feature request P1 Downloaders take too long when files are not available INFO T? PASSED/FAILED/IN PROGRESS
<A HREF=""></A> feature request P1 merged standalone to contain both new and old client tools Client Marek Failed
<A HREF=""></A> feature request P1 Distribution of binary release packages needs improvements ? T? PASSED/FAILED/IN PROGRESS
<A HREF=""></A> feature request P3 support for reusing connection in job submission to the same cluster Client T? PASSED/FAILED/IN PROGRESS
<A HREF=""></A> feature request P3 LFC should be enabled by default ? T? PASSED/FAILED/IN PROGRESS
<A HREF=""></A> feature request P3 arcsync run without endpoint options should warn if no defaultservices is set in the configfile Client T? PASSED/FAILED/IN PROGRESS
<A HREF=""></A> feature request P3 Drop support for bdii version 4 INFO T? PASSED/FAILED/IN PROGRESS
<A HREF=""></A> feature request P5 An option to force monitor language independently of browser localizaton INFO T? PASSED/FAILED/IN PROGRESS

<A HREF=""></A> enhancement P2 improving ngclean and arcclean error messages Client Marek Failed for ng*
<A HREF=""></A> enhancement P3 ngls -r should list file in the same style as ordinary ls Client Marek Passed
<A HREF=""></A> enhancement P3 Make libarcglobusutils an installable library CORE T? PASSED/FAILED/IN PROGRESS
<A HREF=""></A> enhancement P3 arctest should have at least a job containing ("gmlog" = "gmlog") Client Eva FAILED
<A HREF=""></A> enhancement P3 Savannah task 21916: publish version information for ARC CE INFO T? PASSED/FAILED/IN PROGRESS
<A HREF=""></A> enhancement P3 A-REX should publish InterfaceExtension URI INFO Gabor PASSED
<A HREF=""></A> enhancement P3 Support Glue 1.2 GlueCEPolicyMaxTotalJobs INFO Gabor PASSED
<A HREF=""></A> enhancement P4 ngget / arcget option --force needed Client Eva FAILED

Deep testing of CE


The section are place where detailed information about test plan and notes should be collected. These parts of text are not copied in the final report.

Notes for the ARC Core components

Notes for the ARC Computing Element

Notes for the ARC Client components

Notes for the ARC Information System components

ldapsearch -x -H "ldap://" -b "mds-vo-name=local,o=grid"

Notes for the ARC GridFTP server

Functional tests

Test name: F1: SE with unixacl Name of scenario: F1.1: Listing files in unixacl SE Description of the test: Configure and start the unixacl SE, place 10 files with different file sizes to the unixacl SE directory, record the file sizes and use the arcls command with –l option to list the content of unixacl SE. Command: Expected result: The arcls command return list of 10 files and the file sizes listed are identical with recorded file sizes.

Test name: F2: SE with gacl control Name of scenario: F2.2: Listing files in gacl controlled SE by authorized user Description of the test: Configure and start the gacl controlled SE for a particular DN, place 10 files with different file sizes to the unixacl SE directory, record the file sizes and generate a grid proxy certificate using user credentials identical with DN used for configuring the SE. Use the arcls command with –l option to list the content of gacl controlled SE. Command: Expected result: The arcls command return list of 10 files and the file sizes listed are identical with recorded file sizes.

Standard compliance/conformance tests

Test name: STD1: gridftp interface Name of scenario: STD1.3: Copy file from GridFTP service to third-party GridFTP service Description of the test: Copy file from GridFTP service to external GridFTP service. Command: Expected result: File is copied to external GridFTP service.

Test results and details

test results and details of tests are stored in DB:

Static test results recording ( Search static test results )